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Blog - What is your Birthstone?

By Webmaster 6/29/2017 11:34 AM Comments

 January – Garnet

Garnet gives wearer guidance in the night and protection from nightmare. It’s found in many colours including red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown, blue, black, pink, and colourless, with reddish shades most common.  Garnets are found in U.S., Africa, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and India.


February – Amethyst

Amethyst is a violet variety of quartz. The name comes from the ancient Greek, which belief that the stone prevent intoxication. Amethyst has symbolised as peace, protection, and tranquillity. It mainly found in Brazil, Uruguay, and Zambia.


March – Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a blue or cyan variety of beryl. Aquamarine is the symbol of youth, hope, and health. It mainly found in Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, and Ukraine. The deep blue version of aquamarine is called Maxixe, which colour fades to white when exposed to sunlight or is subjected to hear treatment.


April – Diamond

Diamonds are rare and unique ultimate gift for a loved one. It is one of the hardest substances on the globe which date back billions of years. Diamond is the symbol of eternal love which for the wearer to better relationships, balance, clarity, abundance, and an increase in inner strength.


May – Emerald

Emerald is a coloured green of beryl. Emerald was thought to cure a wide range of ailments, including low IQ, poor eyesight, and infertility; also some believe that it can predict future. Emeralds are found mainly in Columbia, Brazil, Zimbabwe and Zambia.


June – Pearl

Pearl is composed of calcium carbonate within the soft tissue of a living shelled. The ideal pearls are perfectly round and smooth. Its object of beauty for many centuries and finest quality natural pearls has been highly valued as gemstones. Freshwater and saltwater pearls may sometimes look quite similar, but they come from different sources. Pearls symbolise a happy marriage.


July – Ruby

Ruby is a pink to blood-red coloured corundum gemstone. Ruby is said to protect their owners from all kinds of misfortune. Ruby is one of the traditional cardinal gems, together with Amethyst, Sapphire, Emerald, and Diamond. A fine Ruby assures its owner that will live in harmony with their neighbour. Rubies are found in Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Tanzania, Cambodia, Afghanistan and India. Ruby also known as the ‘Lord of the Gems’.


August – Peridot

Peridot is only occurring in one colour: an olive-green. Peridot formed as the result of volcanic action. Peridot considered powerful amulets against all evil and said to be favoured by pirates. Peridot is found in Burma, China, and U.S.


September – Sapphire

Sapphire is a variety of the mineral corundum gemstone that contains aluminium oxide. It is typically blue in colour, but naturally could occur in yellow, purple, orange, and green colour. Sapphire said to enable foretell the future. Sapphire is found in Sri Lanka, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia, Kashmir, Australia, Nigeria, Tanzania, and China.


October – Opal

Opal in the national gemstone of Australia and has symbolise as hope, innocence and purity throughout the age. It is thought to banish on spirits and favour children and friends. Opals are found in Australia, Mexico and U.S.


November – Topaz

Pure topaz is colourless and transparent, and its symbolise of friendship and widest range of curative powers. Also, it has been known to change colours in the presence of poison. Topaz is found mainly in Brazil, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and China. For the rare natural topaz would be Imperial Topaz which have yellow, pink or pink-orange colour.


December – Turquoise

Turquoise is an opaque, blue to green mineral. In the 16th Century, Turquoise was used as a currency by the Southwest Indians. Turquoise believe the gemstone bring everyone good fortune, 


For More Information
Gemstone Guide
Diamond Education


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