About Gold

Gold is a chemical element with the symbol AU. Their purest form will give bright, slightly reddish yellow, dense, soft, malleable and ductile metal. Gold is a precious metal for jewellery and throughout the world history treasured for its natural beauty and brilliance. Nowadays, gold mining is harder to find as its rare 6 times of platinum and 18 times of silver. Eventually, a gold standard was often implemented as a monetary policy between nations which been abandoned for a fiat current system after 1976.

Majority of world consumption for gold is about 50% in jewellery, 40% in investments, and 10% in related industries. Yellow gold is still the most popular colour, but at the present gold is offered in various palettes. The process of alloying gives malleable gold more durability as well as changes its colour. Troy ounce is the international unit weight for gold which is equivalent of:

  • 1 Troy Ounce = 31.1034768 grams
  • 1 Kilogram = 32.148 Troy Ounce
  • 1 Thai Baht gold = 15.244 grams
  • 1 Thai Baht gold = 0.49 Troy Ounce
  • 1 Troy Ounce = 2.04 Thai Baht gold
  • 1 Kilogram (gold bullion) = 65.6 Thai Baht gold

For the international market such as ‘London Bullion Market Association’ (LMBA) which has largest ‘good delivery’ in the world and have set the acceptable purity of gold standard at least 995.0 in 1000; as well as 999.9 purity for gold bullion as accept in the international market.

White gold has become the choice for jewellery, which created through white metal such as palladium or silver into the pure gold, while inclusion of copper will result of soft pink complexion to Rose Gold. Obviously, unusual colours such as black gold and purple gold have entered to international market to collaborate with the new era of design.